TV personality Adam Conover says the Netflix Legend of Zelda live action project was real, but was canceled due to leaks

It was real all the time …

Well, here’s an absolutely major story that apparently popped out of nowhere and comes from an equally random source.

Comedian / TV host Adam Conover was recently on the podcast The Serf Times to talk about a Netflix feature he has. This turned into a discussion about the rumor about the live-action adaptation Legend of Zelda that Nintendo and Netflix would have worked on years ago.

In the discussion, Conover reveals that the project was really real, because he had connections with another project with Nintendo at that time. This project ended up being canceled, as did the Legend of Zelda Netflix transaction. Why was everything canceled? Nintendo has been upset by leaks related to the Netflix deal, which was allegedly taken out of someone on Netflix. When the leak came out there, Nintendo decided to crack a bunch of projects at the time, including adapting Legend of Zelda.

You can hear the whole discussion about the project in the video above. Go quickly to the 39:47 mark to hear.
