“Tuca” hopes that Tigres will take the step that Mexican football has missed

Coach Tigres talked about moving to the finals and assured that the rival he has to face will do so with respect and without fear.

Brazilian coach Ricardo Ferretti said that He hopes that UANL Tigres will be the ones to take the step that Mexican football has always missed internationally, when the Club World Cup final is played.

“We are a Mexican team and Mexican football has a level, at club and national level, that small step was missing, in the Copa América I played the final, in the Copa Libertadores and I didn’t give this country, in the national teams because Mexico always hopes that this fifth game (at the World Cups) could give the catapult to achieve something more important, we are definitely a Mexican football team and I could not say that we do not represent it “, he explained.

“The wish we have is the same that one of the two teams that remains for tomorrow’s final with us, come for the same goal. I hope that this little step we need, so that the Tigers can take it“he said.

After the 1-0 victory against Palmeiras in Brazil in the semifinals of the international fair, the Brazilian helmsman said that now They will face the next opponent with respect, but without any fear.

“We will face the rival we have to face with great respect, but without fear, without diminishing anyone, but also without believing that they are something from the other world, it is not so, any of them deserves to be in the end with us and there are two very good teams, institutions, players, they are all excellent for me, there is a style of play of one and the other, to achieve the final goal we have to decipher it, to adapt as as much as possible and then impose our style of play, “he said.

Ricardo Ferretti spoke about the fans and expressed the position of those who do not want to support their team, “people have the right to support or not, whether they like it or not, it is the right of people, naturally sincerely When they participated the Mexican teams, Monterrey, Pachuca, everyone, I always wish them well, they are not envious, malignant, but there are no problems for people who do not want to support, God bless them and we do not give up ”.

Palmeiras strategist Abel Ferreira considered this Tigres was slightly superior to his team and from his point of view his players missed a few opportunities against the rival’s cabin.

“I knew André-Pierre Gignac and Carlos González were very strong. We had a chance, we didn’t get it, our opponent was a little better than us, with a small margin. We managed to do something better in the end decided a detail, a criminal, “he said.
