Trump’s scandals during his tenure in the White House

To compose.

Since winning the election in November 2016, Trump has become one of the most controversial presidents in the United States.

The hotel magnate was elected for just a four-year term, but time seems to have been short for so many scandals and controversies in which President Donald Trump played.

We’ll discuss just some of Trump’s scandals during his mandate in the White House.

Something that Trump showed in his four years in office was always wanting to fulfill his whims without twisting his arm. A clear example, but not so controversial, was that he refused to use the official Twitter account as President of the United States (@POTUS), which, although it has his picture and name, is known to everyone that the tycoon has used staff all the time … even in the early mornings.

Enmity with critical media

Trump had enmity from start to finish with the media who were critical of his figure and management. The president threw darts at the media and even at journalists or presenters. The label “fake news” should not be overlooked in order to catalog all information that came from a critical medium.

Nicknames of Southern Political Rivals

With nicknames, he publicly referred to his political rivals, allies and even foreign presidents. These are some nicknames:

Joe Biden, next president of the United States: ‘sleepy’
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives: ‘nervous’ (nervous)
James Comey, former head of the FBI: ‘smooth’ (smooth)
Kim Jong-un, supreme leader of North Korea: “little rocketman”.

But he also belittled Mexican immigrants by calling them “criminals and rapists.” He called African countries, Haiti and El Salvador “assholes”. To the COVID-19 He called it two ways: the ‘Chinese virus’ and’Kung flu‘.

The Russian plot, the key to Trump’s election victory?

Undoubtedly, one of Trump’s strongest scandals was Russia’s alleged intervention in the tycoon’s 2016 presidential campaign.

James Comey, former FBI director, announced to Congress an investigation into a possible conspiracy between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. The act cost him the contempt of the President of the United States, who described the investigation as a “witch hunt” against him. Comey has been removed from office.

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller was appointed to the case. The investigation revealed a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. (son of the president) and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, which offered compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Trump’s rival in the 2016 election. However, the final report (more than 400 pages) was never fully disclosed and only a four-page summary was released, which was released by Trump’s appointed Attorney General William Barr.

The document indicates that “there was insufficient evidence to consider a conspiracy of Trump or his campaign with Russia“.

Trump, the third president of the United States to be impeached

Trump’s term was staggered in late 2019 when an impeachment lawsuit was started over alleged pressure from the president on his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The president classified the act as another “witch hunt” by the Democrats.

How did you get to this point? A complaint from an anonymous informant who allegedly witnessed a phone call between Trump and the President of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, in which the American congratulated the Ukrainian on his recent election victory, but also asked him several times to investigate whether Biden was using his influence when he was Obama’s vice president to close an investigation against the Burisma gas drilling company in Ukraine, of which his son Hunter was an employee.

With allegations of congressional obstruction and abuse of power, the House of Representatives approved the start of the impeachment trial against Trump, which did not take place in early 2020, when the Senate (with a Republican majority) acquitted the president.

It is worth noting that Trump became the first president of the United States to face impeachment proceedings twice. The second (approved on Jan. 13) was to instigate the uprising that ended the violent assault on the Capitol.

Trump’s tax return came to light

In the final stretch of the 2020 election, Donald Trump’s controversial tax return came to light.

The newspaper The New York Times in September disclosed information about the president, which he long refused to release.

According to the Times, Trump paid only $ 750 in federal taxes in 2016, the year he was elected president, the same payment was repeated in 2017. The US newspaper’s investigation also found that the president paid no income tax for 10 years. of the past 15 years.

In addition, according to the report, Trump reported massive losses that allowed him to adapt to a method of tax optimization and avoid tax abolition.

“I paid millions of dollars in taxes but, like everyone else, was entitled to write-offs and tax credits,” he said. Trump and Twitter to justify his statements, although he also criticized the press for “obtaining information illegally and with malicious intent”.
