Trump’s legal team walked away after a furious wage dispute, Report said

Last week, it was reported that Donald Trump’s legal team fell apart days before the trial was due to begin over fears that the ex-president would force them to keep voicing his ridiculous electoral conspiracy theories. But according to Axios, that’s not the whole story. Trump and the man who became his lead attorney, Butch Bowers, reportedly had a furious disagreement over the pay. Bowers and Trump would have initially agreed to a fee of $ 250,000 for his individual services, but then Bowers came back to Trump with a list of other expenses for more lawyers and researchers. Axios reports that Bowers’s total payment request amounted to $ 3 million, which angered Trump, who tried to reduce Bowers to $ 1 million. Trump’s avarice is said to have resulted in part in five members of Trump’s legal team withdrawing. Trump announced his new team of Bruce Castor and David Schoen this weekend.

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