Trump tweets torch GOP and its leaders on their way to power

President Trump is setting fire to his own party and its leaders as he comes to power – throwing gas on the fire with a public call for mass protest next week and a vote to undo his defeat.

Why it matters: Trump is demanding that Republicans embrace him fully and unequivocally – or face his anger. This is self-inflicted, self-centered – and dangerous for a Republican party holding on to Washington’s waning power.

Look at Trump just this week:

  • He’s trying to burn down the party’s odds in Tuesday’s run-offs in Georgia, raising doubts among Republican voters tweeting yesterday that the state elections are “both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current senatorial elections”.
  • He’s trying to burn down Georgia Governor Brian Kemp – who won on Trump’s primary approval – because Kemp would not interfere with the state’s presidential results. Trump told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that he was “embarrassed” to endorse Kemp, and tweeted that Kemp should resign because he is “an obstructionist who refuses to admit we won Georgia BIG.”
  • He’s trying to burn down the credibility of the party by sparking protests during Wednesday’s congressional certification of President-elect Biden’s Electoral College victory. Trump retweeted details about “#StopTheSteal” demonstrations, including one with the web address “WILDPROTEST.” He tweeted “See you in DC” – and “Be there, will be wild!”
  • He’s trying to burn down Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who congratulated President-elect Biden on his victory. Trump has falsely claimed credit for McConnell’s landslide re-election.
  • He’s throwing out other Republicans in the fire with the futile attempts to obstruct Biden’s certification. McConnell, in a conference call with fellow Senate Republicans, called the upcoming vote “the most consistent I have ever cast,” Jonathan Swan reported.
  • He’s trying to burn down Senator John Thune (RS.D.), tweeting on New Year’s Day that he wants South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem to take precedence over him.
  • He lit the match about the last-ditch effort to raise stimulus vouchers to $ 2,000, which threatened to split the party before McConnell killed her.

The big picture: A united Republican Party could have claimed victory by exceeding expectations in House and Senate races, compromising with Hispanics, and running stimulus checks. Instead, the GOP is debating an unlikely decertification of presidential elections.
