Trump named Sidney Powell as special counsel for electoral fraud investigation: reports

President TrumpDonald Trump Trump Signs Bill To Keep Government Open Amid US Emergency Talks To Shut Down Two Russian Consulates ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Social Media Trends Following New Space Force Name MORE on Friday discussed the idea of ​​appointing Sidney Powell, a lawyer once associated with his campaign, to the position of special counsel for an investigation into alleged voter fraud and the 2020 election, The New York Times, Politico and de Wall reported Street Journal.

The former Trump campaign attorney made headlines earlier this year when she participated in an effort to reverse election results in the state of Georgia. However, those challenges were thrown by several courts.

She, along with the president and his allies, has repeatedly asserted that the elections have been affected by widespread electoral fraud.

The Trump campaign distanced itself from Powell in November.

However, there is no substantial evidence to support this claim. After the 2020 election, several election officials declared the race to be one of the safest in US history.

According to two sources briefed on the discussion, most of his advisers were against the idea of ​​the nomination, including the president’s personal attorney, Rudy GiulianiRudy Giuliani Voting Machines for Dominion Demands Pro-Trump Attorney Sidney Powell to Drop ‘Defamatory’ Allegations of Trump to Name Giuliani’s Son for Role on Holocaust Memorial Council Trump Considers To Ask Special Prosecutor To Investigate Hunter Biden: MORE Report, according to the Times.

Powell himself attended the meeting, as well as former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and White House Chief of Staff Mark MeadowsMark Meadows Fake Accounts Posing As GOP Leaders On Parler Selling Trump Hats And CBD Oil: Report Pompeo Quarantined After Contact With Someone COVID-19 Positive Trump Considers Pressure On Special Prosecutor To Investigate Hunter Biden: Report MOREPolitico reported, according to a senior official.

Powell had previously defended Flynn during an FBI investigation earlier in Trump’s tenure as president.

According to the senior official and the lawyers, the meeting would turn into shouting and shouting as they accused each other of not making enough effort to reverse the results of the 2020 election. Both Flynn and Powell reportedly claimed the administration was not working hard enough to undo Trump’s loss.

The Wall Street Journal reported that White House adviser Pat Cipollone and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows were against the idea of ​​the appointment.

The senior official also told Politico that national security adviser Robert O’BrienRobert O’Brien Pentagon, State Department Among Hacked Agencies: O’Brien Report Announces Delivery of Missiles, Bombs to Philippines Huawei Threat ‘No. 1 concern, ” Trump’s national security adviser says MORE participated in the meeting by telephone.

It’s unclear whether Trump will continue to push for Powell’s appointment.

The president’s suggestion comes because his campaign and his allies’ various legal challenges to reverse the election results have largely failed.

While working for the campaign, Powell claimed that the Dominion company, which makes voting machines, contained an irregularity manipulated in favor of President-elect Biden.

On Thursday, Dominion Powell sent a letter demanding that she retract her “defamatory” statements about their voting machines.

“As a result of your false accusations, Dominion has suffered massive damage and its employees have been stalked, harassed and threatened with death,” the letter read.

The White House did not immediately respond to The Hill’s request for comment.
