Trump Farewell scheduled for Wednesday morning ahead of Biden Oath

US President Donald Trump has decided to skip the inauguration of his successor, Joe Biden, at the Capitol on January 20.

Photographer: Samuel Corum / Bloomberg

White House officials are planning a farewell ceremony for Donald Trump as he leaves Washington for the last time as president Wednesday morning, according to a copy of the invitation seen by Bloomberg News.

The event is scheduled for 8 a.m. at Andrews Joint Base just outside the nation’s capital, where the outgoing president will make his departure aboard Air Force One to Florida. Invitations have been circulated to supporters, including former government officials and other donors, requesting to arrive at 7:15 am

Trump has decided to skip the inauguration of his successor, Joe Biden, at the Capitol on January 20, becoming the first living US president in more than a century to choose not to attend the regular power exchange. Trump will be at his Mar-a-Lago resort instead, as the president-to-be will be sworn in at noon that day.

A White House spokesman declined to comment.

Some White House aides will be on the South Lawn for the launch of the presidential helicopter with Trump on board, although attendance will be limited. Tight security measures in downtown Washington and especially near the White House will make it too difficult for outside guests to access the campus.

Trump’s decision not to attend the inauguration was announced by the president on Jan. 8, two days after a mob of his loyalists looted the Capitol in a riot that killed five people. An unprecedented security cordon now encircles the heart of the country’s capital following that attack.
