Trump blames Biden for the border crisis

Former President TrumpDonald Trump The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Split screen: Biden sells incentives; GOP emphasizes border Democrats are moving smaller immigration bills as they watch a wide-ranging overhaul. Social media platforms on the right will not be retained after January. 6 grow MORE blamed his successor on the burgeoning crisis on the southern border on Tuesday, saying earlier progress has been “eroded” under President BidenJoe Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Split screen: Biden sells incentives; GOP Highlights RNC Border To Shadow Biden As He Promotes COVID-19 Emboss Bill Dems Momentum Hits Swamp Over Infrastructure Plans MORE

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s Maria BartiromoMaria Sara Bartiromo Bartiromo hosts ‘Fox News Primetime’ next week BBC apologizes for interview with fake Cory Booker Gaetz suggests DeSantis could run for president in 2024 if Trump is out of the picture MORETrump argued that his working relationship with Mexico and the partially constructed border wall had acted as a deterrent to migrants during his tenure.

“We’ve done a lot of things and it’s all eroded now,” Trump said. “Today they come from all other countries… they drop them off and they come into our country and it’s a shame. They’re going to destroy our country if they don’t do anything about it. “

The Biden administration is scrambling to meet a wave of unaccompanied minors from Central America who have arrived at the southern border seeking entry into the US.

Reports indicate that the federal government now has more than 13,000 youth in custody. Many are detained longer in cells of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) intended for adults, longer than is permitted by law.

Democrats beat Trump for his own dealings with migrant children. Under Trump’s “zero-tolerance policy”, children were separated from their parents in an attempt to dissuade families from illegally crossing the border. Democrats also repeatedly criticized Trump for keeping children in CBP cells, where they had no access to education, health care, or legal services.

Biden’s White House has publicly urged migrants to stay at home and not try to enter the US. their way through the immigration processing system.

The government will reportedly house thousands of young people in a convention center in Dallas, and another 1,000 in a tented town outside Midland, Texas, as it seeks to get young people out of CBP custody.

“They are destroying our country,” Trump said on Tuesday. “People come in in hundreds of thousands, young people come in and they leave their homes and come up because they think it’s going to be so great and frankly our country can’t take it. It’s a crisis like we’ve rarely had and certainly never at the border and it will get much worse … with a little bit of time you will see those numbers increase to levels like you have never seen before. “
