Transfers Raúl Gutiérrez rejects the arrival of Gullit Peña at Real España

A few days ago, Real Spain has confirmed Raúl Gutiérrez as its new coach. The Mexican has a very good past in the youth team in his country and his big stage was to become world champion with Under 17. His arrival will try to put an end to the bad series that Aurinegros.

Already established in his new club, The Aztec has started to make decisions and one of the most important is his compatriot, Carlos Peña Rodríguez, as the protagonist. The former Rangers midfielder from Scotland has been negotiating for months a possible arrival at the Catracho club.

Despite advanced discussions, Raul Gutierrez spoke in an interview with Journal Ten and he did not very much agree with his signing: “No, I’m a guy who makes things very clear, ‘Gullit’ has a different profile than what we’re looking for, we’ll look in other positions. He’s not the player the car needs right now. “.

The Mexican strategist added that they already have several footballers who fulfill that role in their team and that they all maintain a high level: “We have a player like Benavidez, like Martinez, who can do the job in that position, after all it’s just a rumor and he’s not the player we need.”.

Finally, Gutiérrez confirmed the positions he will seek to strengthen: “We are looking for a central defender to help us balance what we already have, we are occupying a force that gives us greater security. A striker, unfortunately the two strikers, both Tejeda and Martínez were not lucky, we are looking for that profile for the team “.

  • Real Spain
  • Raul Gutierrez
  • Gullit Peña
  • honduras
