Tom Holland reunites with Russos for the Cherry teaser

It’s been almost two years since he arrived Avengers: Endgame, the film that saw writers and directors Joe and Anthony Russo landing – to gain general appreciation – the end of a story that they and many others have spent the better part of a decade, unspeakable hours of human creativity and terrible money. say. It was, by any metric, a top achievement in your career, which is probably a little worrying when you still want to know, to continue to have a career.

Now, after an extremely explicable short break, the Russians are back with Apple TV + releasing the first teaser for their first film since then End game wrapped, an adaptation of Nico Walker’s 2018 crime novel Cherry. But while many of the hallmarks of the Russian style are seemingly absent from the short (strangely truncated) clip – with a magic glove or important rock in sight – they have a familiar face at hand. (And a slightly more familiar haircut.)

Yes, this is Tom Holland when he was young enlisting in the U.S. Army, a career choice that will probably keep him healthy and standing – wait, no, hoops, I just took a look at the Wikipedia summary of the book and decided not you. In any case, it’s interesting to always see the Netherlands playing against the guy (as he did last year with Antonio Campos The devil all the time.) From teasing, it’s a little hard to set the tone of the film, but we’ll probably see more as the film’s release date in 2021 approaches.
