Tips for a healthy diet during the holidays

It is common as during the holidays at the end of the year Let’s change our diet for some typical dishes or products from these dates. These foods may not necessarily be in line with a healthy diet if we are not careful.

For David León Lizama, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Technology of Peru (UTP), It is important to maintain a balance or homeostasis during these end-of-year holidays and to strengthen our body by consuming food properly.

“The tradition of chocolate, panettone and Christmas dinner can be played against us in terms of indigestion and excess calories, if we do not have proper care. We have to choose one of them, opt for what is healthy and measure the portions to be consumed “, said David.

Share something Recommendations that can help us enjoy the typical foods from this data, without affecting our nutrition.

1. Fruits and vegetables

They are important foods because they increase the body’s defenses, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

2. Reduce your intake of saturated fats

Present in red meat, sausages and Christmas cakes. It is preferable to choose vegetable fats such as those provided by olive oil and fatty fish, due to their heart-healthy properties.

3. Protein intake

White meat, fish, eggs and plant proteins, legumes, nuts, should be eaten in appropriate portions, as they help strengthen our immune system.

4. Include carbohydrates

They are present in cereals, pasta and rice. In addition to energy, they provide fiber and improve intestinal transit, especially unrefined products. However, we must consume them wisely so as not to exceed our calorie intake.

5. Reheated food

Eating reheated foods could be harmful to your health, especially if it is a fatty and very spicy food. This implies that toxic microorganisms grow in the environment and pose a health risk, causing stomach pain and severe gastrointestinal poisoning. Therefore, it is advisable to be careful about eating these foods

6. Don’t forget about physical activity

Finally, doing physical activities will help us maintain a caloric balance. It is important that they are part of our lifestyle, beyond the allusive, to avoid being overweight.
