three exercises of a 2-phase workout

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Cardiovascular work it can be aerobic or anaerobic, it will depend on the intensity with which the exercise is performed. Activity aerobic we work at a moderate-low intensity and with a long period of time, this allows us to exercise normal breathing and even talk and that the presence of oxygen makes it difficult to get tired, such as: walking 1 hour at a slightly faster pace than on a walk.

He anaerobic work it is more intense and shorter in time, There are exercises that do not allow us to talk and with a high degree of fatigue while they are performed. This activity should be carried out short intervals and breaks to be able to recover, for example: a 3-minute race or a sprint.

From a medical and sports point of view, aerobic work has always been important for health, offers several benefits such as: increasing lung capacity, improving muscle and bone level, preventing disease, controlling cholesterol, triglycerides or blood pressure, reducing body fat, balancing insulin and glucose, etc.

A good proposal for aerobic work for women who are starting to do physical activity it is walking, which they can alternate with activities such as cycling, swimming or hiking. I leave you with a work proposal with which you only need some sneakers and you want to start feeling better:

First phase (4 or 5 weeks)

– Activity: walking

– Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour

– Frequency: 3 days a week – in time it will be extended to four or five days, depending on the condition in which it is acquired.

– Intensity: moderate-low, in which it is possible to speak. Remember that the pace will be higher than on a walk, but without a lack of oxygen.

Progression 1 (4 or 5 weeks)

– Activity: walking or running

-Duration: 45 minutes at intervals of 2 minutes of running very slowly and 2 minutes of walking until you get 30 minutes of running smoothly.

– Frequency: between three or four times a week.

– Intensity: moderate-low, in which you may be able to speak, perhaps less fluently than when you are just walking, but still able to speak.

Progression 2

– Day 1: 45 minutes of light.

– Day 2: 10 minutes of light in operation plus 10 minutes of one-minute intervals of moderate-high intensity and one light. It must be repeated twice to reach a total of 40 minutes of exercise.

– Day 3: One hour with intervals of 5 minutes running smoothly and five minutes running at a moderate pace.

The benefits are not achieved in the short term, therefore it is important not to be lazy, lack of will or time, set a schedule and try to stick to it it helps to achieve these goals which will undoubtedly bring us better health and a better quality of life.

* Iván Morales Martín is the founder of Keep in Shape.
