This would be the new Nintendo Switch they will launch in 2021

Mexico City /

Nintendo is developing a new improved version of its Nintendo Switch hybrid console, which will be released this year 2021, and in which the Japanese company intends to use a graphics chip created by Nvidia.

The new version of Nintendo Switch, what the expects to arrive in the Christmas sales campaign, will improve the graphics performance and processing compared to the current version of the hybrid console Nintendo, which has remained largely the same since its launch in 2018.

As sources familiar with the matter have reported to Bloomberg, the use of the chip Nvidia an increase in the processor will also be completed and in the memory of the Japanese console Nintendo.

Console update will include support for machine learning oversampling technology (DLSS, for its acronym in English) de Nvidia, which improves graphics rendering using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and makes it more efficient.

This feature allows iteration of the console, which is expected to arrive along with an OLED display, can play video games with quality graphics 4K when connected to the TV (currently 1080p).

The system DLSS requires game developers to add additional code to their titles, so it is expected that. this technology is only added to future video games.

Analysts consulted by Bloomberg also expect that the incorporation of the new technology a Nvidia increases the price of the console by up to $ 100.
