This is what Bárbara de Regil looked like as a mother when she was only 16 years old

Through his official Instagram account, Barbara de Regil shared a photo since she became a mother at 16 years old. The 33-year-old actress revealed her experience as. single mother, a stage he has not regretted since It is Mar came into his life to show him that true love exists.

“Courage and courage, that’s how I define my adolescence … At 16 I became a single mother, I didn’t have the support of a man. Of course, my mother, as in the photo, always there … When I was” alone “I thought I had need a partner to be happy, but no! “, and the driver started counting.

“Who wants to be there and who doesn’t, to … his mother. What he needed is me, a strong and grateful Barbara because she was a mother, because she was healthy and because she had that child who he came to make my life happy; with him over time I understood that being a single mother does not mean that I failed as a woman, on the contrary! “.

The actress shared the image.

Bárabara appreciates that, “Life loves me so much that it gave me the opportunity to grow, fight, work, love, smile and be happy with a little person who will be my companion forever … The reality is that no I needed no man to move forward, let alone be happy.

He faced everything.

Finally, he assured that “No door was closed to me, no matter how hard it was; yes, if it was, I had to work twice as hard for me and Apple but little by little and over the years I realized how capable and strong I was … And 16 years later I still see how chi … I am, nothing stops meNot at 16, not at 33, never. I love you”.

The relationship between mother and daughter is very beautiful.
