This is the trick to losing weight with just half an hour of exercise a day

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Finding the right time to move is usually a common excuse among people in Spain, although it is probably a widespread way of thinking around the world: work schedules and the thousand and one occupations of modern life leave little room for maneuver. on the daily agenda.

However, if you can find a space for physical activity, studies have already found out when would be the best time: no matter what time of the day, but it must always be the same.

This was suggested by a study by researchers in the field Brown Alpert School of Medicine from the United States in 2019. According to this study, it doesn’t matter if you exercise in the morning or in the afternoon if you want to maintain or lose weight: important is the consistency and maintenance of a fixed schedule.

Currently, the new physical activity guidelines of Department of Health and Human Services from the US suggests that at least two and a half hours of moderate physical activity per week to stay healthy, pleading for at least 10 minutes of exercise in each session, although cumulative during the day: better to do something than nothing.

If you are already in shape, following this minimum pact in terms of exercise time is usually not complicated, but there are many individuals who have difficulty achieving it. In fact, maintaining or losing body weight is often the biggest obstacle of all.

Therefore, researchers Brown Alpert analyzed the results of a physical activity survey of 375 people who exercised in order to lose weight. In this case, a significant the relationship between a moderate or intense level of exercise, always performed at the same time, and the amount of time spent training.

In total, half of the respondents exercised in the morning, which could indicate that physical activity should preferably take place during this time, as previous studies have suggested. However, the current study suggests that this preference for regularity is due to the way everyone organizes the day.

system key it would not be time itself, but the fact that it is done automatically. That is, exercise should not “fit” into a daily schedule, in a mandatory way, but rather it should be something that flows and is easy every day: if you try to think active, it’s a lot more likely to reduce time which is dedicated to the total exercise.

Thus, according to researchers, secret It would be the association of exercise with a pre-existing mental signal. I mean, make it another day-to-day event, always in the same hours, as another activity in the daily program: if you have to fit in every day in a way, the motivation you exercise will be much more complicated.

In addition, they also suggest that repeated exercise in the same place would also help to establish a better relationship with physical activity, based on the results of the survey.

However, they remember, because their results are based on a self-reported survey, the information can reach a point. Other individualized motivations of each individual cannot be excluded, beyond the fixed schedule or a specific place of exercise. It cannot be ruled out that, indeed, there is a specific moment better than another, when someone will start moving for the first time.
