This is the public holiday celebrated in Puerto Rico on March 2

Today, Tuesday, March 2, Puerto Rico law commemorates US Citizenship Day.

This holiday was proclaimed by executive decree in 2017 by then-Governor Ricardo Rosselló, who at the time also established the Special Commission to Celebrate the First Centennial of the Award of U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Ricans.

The US Citizenship Celebration Act states that the first week in March of each year will be called “US Citizenship Week in Puerto Rico” and that March 2 will be the anniversary of the advent of citizenship.

This is because it was on March 2, 1917, that the United States Congress passed the Jones Shafroth Organic Law, in which Section 5 states that all citizens of Puerto Rico have declared themselves citizens of the United States and will be considered and kept as such. “.

Another factor incorporated into the U.S. Citizenship Celebration Act is that for a week, education will “ prepare and organize a special curriculum that, through lectures and conferences, educates and educates the students of the country’s public schools. instructs about the rights. , benefits, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities associated with having citizenship of the United States ”.

In addition, it mandates the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture to “make the necessary arrangements for the organization and celebration of acts in honor of the celebration of the advent of US citizenship.”
