This is Adal Ramones’ reaction to Alberto Ciurana’s death THE IMPARTIAL

MEXICO CITY.- Unfortunately, a few hours ago, it was announced that Alberto Ciurana, content director of TV Azteca, died due to Covid-19, a situation that left several figures of the show speechless.

In turn, Adal Ramones decided to make a video and share it on his official Instagram account, where he sent his condolences to Alberto’s family.

With tears in his eyes and a broken voice, the comedian was also grateful for the job opportunities that came to him in his artistic career, but he also highlighted the great friend who was especially in his life.

Just tell them that I have lost someone very important in the industry, and more importantly as a friend, my prayers for family, for friends and may God have Beto in heaven, ”said the comedian.

Eventually, Adal was speechless, so he couldn’t continue talking in the video because he burst into tears, but thanked him for meeting him.

Within minutes, his fans waiting for his publications sent messages of great affection and respect in the face of this terrible loss.

According to the Millennium portal, in early March, Alberto announced on his Twitter account that he had given positive results to Covid-19, just a few days after receiving the vaccine.

Other artists such as Jacky Bracamontes, Cynthia Rodríguez, Paty Chapoy, Sofía Aragón, Marjorie de Souza, Alan Tacher, Yordi Rosado, among others, joined by sharing photos and messages dedicated to this unfortunate loss.

On this note
