“They never offered me a euro”

Thiago Silva, a Brazilian defender who was captain at Paris Saint-Germain for eight years and is living his first season at Chelsea, was very critical of the French team, considering that they did not respect their hierarchy and career at the club.

“They never offered me a single thing. Not even a “Thiago, do you accept 1 euro to stay with us?” Absolutely nothing, which was very annoying … There’s something worse than that. Even in the midst of a pandemic, they had three months to plan their farewell, but nothing was done. Man, I wasn’t just there for a season or a few months, it was a period of eight years as captain and several trophies were raised, “he said in an interview. FourFourTwo.

The Brazilian assured that this is not the first time that PSG has a bad behavior with an emblematic footballer.

“I deserve much more respect than that. The same thing happened to Cavani … I’m totally grateful for the things I experienced there. Leaving aside the final part, I was happy and they always treated me well “.

On the other hand, 36-year-old Thiago Silva told what his signing with Chelsea was like, after he was released after concluding his contract with PSG.

“I told my agent that he could start looking for a new club for me, but that he was forbidden to tell me anything until after our last Champions League game.

“On the morning after the final against Bayern Munich, I met President Nasser Al-Khelaifi in the hotel lift and he told me that Leonardo wanted to talk to me again once we returned to Paris. Imagine what comes next, even though my mind was already far from PSG.

“On Monday after the final, my agent called to tell me that there was an offer from Chelsea on the table and that I only had two days to decide. I accepted the next day, before meeting Leonardo. He later asked me if I had signed for another club, but that was not the smartest question. I told him no, but that I had given my word to Chelsea and that he was worth more than any money “, said Silva.
