They claim that Rita Ora bribed the manager of the restaurant where she had her birthday party with $ 7,000 IMPARTIAL

CITY MEXICO.- After the scandal in which the British singer played when it became public that she organized a birthday party in the middle of the pandemic, in a London restaurant, they indicate Rita Ora to bribe the site manager to allow him to break the law.

Neither the public apology made by the artist, nor the promise to donate what she won in a private concert she held in Egypt the day before the event, did not prevent further details about the performer’s house. who was just trying to celebrate 30 years last year, November 28th.

And it is that it was published in the news portals that the “Anywhere” singer would have bribed the restaurant manager Casa Cruz to let her have a “private party” at the unit, violating the rules set at that time and forbidding events.

As if that wasn’t enough, the actress also traveled to Egypt to give a private concert on the condition that when she returns to England she will have to be quarantined, but instead of following the rules, she did what she did. what she had to do to celebrate her birthday with “Hype”.

Media outlets such as the BBC pointed out that the singer’s team was the one who bribed the manager to allow her to have her private party, in exchange for $ 7,000, which included other things in progress.

Media outlets such as point out that the singer’s team paid the Casa Cruz restaurant seven thousand dollars to break the law, which currently does not allow social gatherings in public units.

“The star’s security team also requested that the closed-circuit cameras be shut down during the (organized) party in Notting Hill on November 28, amid a second blockage by the virus,” authorities said. .

The manager confessed

After conducting an investigation into the situation by the London authorities, Scottie Bhattarai, The general manager of Casa Cruz, admitted to the Metropolitan Police on that day of the party, a representative of Rita Ora contacted him and offered him 7 thousand dollars (about five thousand pounds) to allow them to use their facilities.

According to the media, Bhattarai said he accepted the offer because “he was greedy”, despite the fact that “he was fully aware that the event violated coronavirus regulations”.

On this note
