They are looking for a young tourist missing in the Guajataca forest

The Homicide Division reported today the disappearance of a young man by name Benjamin Jackson Thomas, 22 years old, who was on vacation on the island and was last seen by a friend, identified as Alexander Oliynyk, in the afternoon of yesterday, Friday, January 29, in the Guajataca Forest Parking area.

The applicant described him as having a smooth complexion, brown hair and brown eyes, wearing dark blue shorts, a blue shirt and sports shoes.

Agents from the Isabela Police District, along with the state’s emergency management, among other agencies, are working on this search to find their place.

Anyone who has knowledge or information that helps locate this person is urged to communicate confidentially at 787-343-2020, 787-891-3800 extensions 1550,1551 Homicides and 1411,1416 Administration, CIC or via the Internet to the application basyapr .org.

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