These foods that you include in your diet make you fat and aging

Many of the “healthy” foods we eat every day, believing we are making the best choices Our diet adds extra pounds, makes us gain weight and also accelerate aging Therefore, before choosing them again, think twice if what you want is to maintain optimal body weight and gain health.

Take, for example, the classic Orange juice. We eat it for breakfast thinking it’s the best way to start the day. And if someone tells us we have a box of soda, we look at that person confused, thinking they are totally confused. But it is not. And any nutritionist will insist on taking the whole fruit, to avoid sugar free from orange juice. Another mistake. Breakfast cereals. They put batteries in us and take care of our weight. Or so they tell us. It is also not entirely true, as it usually is high sugar foods, that it loses from the nutritional properties that cereals would have without handling. To be clear about what foods we should choose if we want to eat healthier and what we should be prescribers, we spoke with nutritionists Nutritienda Andrea Báguena and Andrea Hernan Gómez. They will help us improve our diet. We continue with one of the biggest mistakes in our diet: “light” foods that help prevent weight gain.

– Read also: Healthy foods that help you fight hunger

Beware of “light” products

We need to keep in mind that there are processed foods that we eat every day, thinking that they are healthy because they are sold to us under confusing words like “easy” or “low calorie”. These foods, which we sometimes eat without discrimination, can be a problem and an increase in obesity if we have the false idea that “since it is light, you lose weight.”

A light product means that it has been reduced by at least 30% of the caloric content of the original product, but does that mean that it has a low calorie content? Is a light industrial bun healthy? Does this open the ban on abusive or continuous consumption? We must always choose natural foods: the preparation of a cake at home will always be better, because we will control its ingredients and quantities. In addition, learning to read food labels will make our choices better! Therefore, consuming light products in an abusive way will increase the calories in our diet almost without realizing it.

– Read also: 8 healthy foods you should include in your shopping cart
