“There were lies, infidelities and many psychological abuses”: Sofía Castro talks about the relationship that made her reach the bottom | THE IMPARTIAL

Mexico City. – Sofía Castro inherited her talent from her mother, Angélica Rivera, and at an early age she already built her own artistic career and became famous on social networks, where she shared part of her professional and personal life.

Through the Instagram account of the program “Gossip no like”, a video was distributed in which the actress appears talking about a relationship she had, which changed her life forever.

The artist confessed that she was in that courtship, I created a huge insecurity and emptiness, so every time she got angry, she was afraid of not being alone and staying.

As if that wasn’t enough, Sofía confessed that she stopped being herself, not expressing her opinion, for fear of what he would think among other types of situations that made this relationship worse. getting sicker.

He became very fast in my security and stability and one of my biggest fears was that he was not with me, because my security came from him “, said the actress.

However, despite the fact that the artist realized everything that was happening, deep down she believed that an “abuse” in a relationship is only sexual, but she found that the psychological was also very dangerous. .

As time went on, Sofía began to feel worried, worried, and smiled less and less, because she didn’t want her partner to be upset about anything.

Something that Angelica Rivera’s daughter pointed out was that this process helped her discover her own love, think about it, and move forward to be happy again.

In addition, the actress revealed that seeing her qualities, proposing short-term goals and appreciating the affection of the people around her, made her decide to end everything that did not make her happy.

Currently, the daughter of the producer Güero Castro, is in a relationship with Pablo Bernot, who recently prepared a surprise party to celebrate his birthday.

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