The young man who denounced Christian Chávez for infecting him with HIV assures that he received attacks | THE IMPARTIAL

Mexico City.- Abbisay Sosa, who denounced Christian Chávez In front of the authorities because he infected him with HIV, he revealed that, after making his legal process public, he received various types of attacks.

“They did not directly threaten me with death, but they attacked me and my family, that is, they sent me ugly messages through social networks, I even lost jobs, I lost job opportunities due to the same situation. I was very attacked by Christian, I was attacked by people I don’t even know, by the media, “Sosa said in an interview with Sale el Sol.

Likewise, the young man confessed that he is not having a good time at this moment. “I’m in relief therapy, I really feel really bad about this situation and he just laughs and comes back, I don’t think it’s right for that to be the case.”

Finally, Abissay rejected the search for a reparation agreement with the actor and confirmed that he will reach the final consequences in this case.

There was a time when all of this could have been avoided, there was a time when it was possible … if he had confronted me from the beginning, if he had said, “Look, this has happened,” I would have taken it. -simply as the way we would have gone to the doctor, we would both have taken the treatment and we would not have reached these courts for him to confront me “, he said.

On this note

  • Celebrity
  • Christian Chávez
