The woman buys an iPhone 12 Pro Max and receives an apple-flavored yogurt in return

A Chinese woman was disappointed when she opened a package to discover that her new iPhone 12 Pro Max had been replaced with an apple-flavored yogurt drink.

In a video uploaded to Weibo on Friday, the woman, named Liu, explained that she spent over $ 1,500 to buy a new iPhone from Apple’s official website. When he later opened the package, someone had exchanged the contents for food.

Liu did not receive the package directly from her courier, but rather from a package closet in her residential community.

Local police considered the exchange a case of theft, although no one is sure where the switch took place along the line. Both Apple and Express Mail Service – the company that delivered Liu’s package – are currently launching an investigation.

A member of EMS customer service said Global Times on Friday that the incident is still under investigation. “We have appointed colleagues to take special care of this,” she said. Conformable Global Times, Apple gave a similar answer, saying that the investigation is still ongoing.

Weibo users participated in music about who allegedly committed the theft, with accusations against the courier company, employees in the Apple store or even suggesting that Liu could have bought from an imitated Apple website.

Apple products, and especially high-value iPhones, are often the subject of such thefts, but usually not from individuals. Recently, five men were caught on security footage stealing $ 12,000 worth of Apple products, which appeared to be display items, from a Best Buy location in Dover, Delaware, in early December.
