The unheard song leads to the discovery of the ocean

– Researchers studying whales in the western Indian Ocean have been hindered. They have recorded an unheard of whale song so far, one described as a “slow, blowing ballad” by New York Times. After several underwater raids, they report a happy discovery in the log Endangered species research: The song belongs to a previously undiscovered population of blue whales. This is particularly good news, given that blue whales, which grow to gigantic sizes, are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, notes a post at Earther. After being hunted on the verge of extinction, the number of existing blue whales is estimated to be somewhere between 10,000 and 25,000. It is not clear how many could belong to the new population.

“It was quite remarkable to find a whale song in your data that was completely unique, never reported before, and to recognize it as a blue whale,” says study co-author Salvatore Cerchio of the Cetacean Program. African Conservation Fund. he sings low songs, but each population has its own version, explains Science Daily. Therefore, the researchers were able to identify the new group, which could be a unique subspecies. “It’s like hearing different songs in one genre – Stevie Ray Vaughan versus BB Rege,” Cerchio tells him Times. “Everything is blues, but you know the different styles.” Researchers say the discovery makes it even more important to protect whales with regulations on shipping and carbon emissions. (Read more blue whale stories.)
