The treasury stops sending the $ 600 to the citizens

The Treasury Department is close to meeting the $ 600 economic incentive payment target for citizens, as announced by the agency’s leaders through a virtual conference.

Treasury Secretary Francisco Parés Alicea reported that $ 1,445,532,770 has been paid to 1,752,427 families so far.

The agency’s undersecretary, Ángel Pantoja Rodríguez, emphasized that they were already reaching the above figure and assured that they understood that “we have met our expectations for this second round of payment”.

Parés Alicea also indicated that 135,708 checks were produced, the vast majority of which have already been sent and others waiting to be issued this week.

People who have not received payment for various reasons may have a second chance to request it in the 2020 filing process.

“We have met and we are already in the final stage and these two days for the Treasury Department will be very important,” Parés said.

He added that although this second federal stimulus was distributed as diligently as possible, at this final stage there is still an inventory of 30,525 unfilled deposits as they were rejected by banks.

The agency was set up until next Friday to update the account and be able to receive payment.

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