The Tennessee man inherits $ 5 million from the dog

A dog in Tennessee will not live a dog life after the death of its owner.

Lulu, an 8-year-old border collie, will have a good life in Nashville because her owner inherited her $ 5 million, WTVF-TV reported.

Martha Burton, Lulu’s keeper, told the station that the dog’s boss, Bill Dorris, was a successful businessman who was not married and died in late 2020. In his will, he stipulated that the money would be placed in a trust for him. of the dog, and allowed Burton to receive a reasonable monthly expense allowance in that regard.

“He really liked the dog,” said Burton, who was a friend of Dorris and always looked after the dog when he traveled.

She said she didn’t know if she could ever spend $ 5 million on Lulu.

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“Well, I’d like to give it a try,” he said, smiling.

Dorris owned land off Interstate 65, where a controversial statue of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest stands. The fate of the statue and the rest of Dorris’ legacy could be determined in the succession court, according to the news channel.
