The surface of West African piracy attracts Maersk’s call to action

Felixstowe Harbor as transport watchdog sets rules to reduce carbon intensity in industry

Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe / Bloomberg

The world’s largest shipping company has called for a more effective military response to growing pirate attacks and abductions off the coast of West Africa.

The number of attacks on ships globally rose by 20% last year to 195, with 135 crews abducted, the International Maritime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting Center said in a January 13 statement. report. The Gulf of Guinea accounted for 95 percent of the hostages taken in 22 separate cases and all three hijackings that took place, the agency said.

The attacks have increased insurance and other costs for shippers operating outside West Africa, with some resorting to hiring escort ships led by armed naval personnel. AP Moller-Maersk A / S, which carries about 15% of the world’s shipping, said decisive action must be taken.

“It is unacceptable nowadays that sailors cannot fulfill their tasks of providing a vital supply chain for this region without having to worry about the risk of piracy,” said Aslak Ross, head of marine standards at Maersk. based in Copenhagen. “The risk has reached a level where effective military capability must be deployed.”

The Gulf of Guinea covers a vast area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean that is crossed by more than 20,000 ships a year, making it difficult for police to resource governments. Surrounded by a nearly 4,000-mile-long coastline stretching from Senegal to Angola, it serves as the main art for crude oil exports and imports of refined fuel and other goods.

Twenty-five African governments, including all those bordering the Gulf, signed the Yaoundé Code of Conduct in 2013 to combat piracy. It aims to facilitate the exchange of information and has established five maritime areas for joint patrols, but has only been partially implemented and most ships remain focused on protecting their own waters.

Bertrand Monnet, a professor of criminal risk management at EDHEC’s business school in France, who has studied piracy in the Nigerian oil-producing region of the Niger Delta for 15 years, estimates that a maximum of 15 bands operate off West Africa, each comprising 20 to 50 members.

The hostages are usually held for ransom in Nigeria, the regional power that has taken the lead in preventing attacks. His government plans to commission nearly $ 200 million in new equipment this year, including helicopters, drones and high-speed boats, to increase naval capacity.

International intervention

Nigeria is committed to “ensuring that this threat of piracy is eliminated in our waters so that those with legitimate business in shipping, fishing and oil and gas can operate without fear,” Rear Admiral Oladele Daji, commander of The western fleet of the Nigerian Navy said in an interview.
