The singer accused Raúl de Molina of “getting his hands on” the famous jacuzzi in “El Gordo y la Flaca”

Singer Virggi López accused Raúl de Molina of “putting his hand” in his ass three times in the famous jacuzzi in “Fat and weight loss”.

Exclusively for “Chisme No Like”, the YouTube show hosted by Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani, the Venezuelan singer talked about the alleged uncomfortable moment he experienced when he visited the 2005 Univision afternoon show.

Virggi, was going to promote his album, because it was a classic in those years with tThe female guest ode, with a body considered “beautiful”, was invited to enter the “Jacuzzi del Gordo”, where Raúl de Molina conducted a mischievous interview.

However, according to the singer and businesswoman, The wanderer turned strangely when he felt the presenter’s hand touch him improperly..

“I take off my robe, I wear a bikini, I go into the jacuzzi and I am innocent, because you will not imagine that a person wants to create an uncomfortable situation live and It turned out that the man (Raúl de Molina) started to put his hand under the water, to grab my bubblesVirggi López said to the amazement of Ceriani and Beristain.

Both Elisa and Javier asked him what his attitude was towards that moment he would have lived.

“You start, You can’t say anything, you can’t stop the live show, you have to smile … Secondly under OMG !, Then I was already distracted, don’t wait to sell what you were going to sell, thirdly, three times, Live !“The singer said.

According to what Ceriani told Virggi López, she would not be the only one to have gone through an episode like this and that other talents will soon be interviewed by the show, to denounce the alleged inappropriate touchof those who would have been victims at the hands of Raúl de Molina.

I contacted Univision to get a feedback from the networkConsidering that this happened during the show “El Gordo y la Flaca”, the classic of their afternoons, and this was the answer they sent us by e-mail.

“Univision takes these allegations seriously and we will look into them carefully”, was his short and strong answer.

What’s going on at Univision? According to unofficially learned, would look for and analyze these images to know what kind of action he would takeand would not rule out contacting De Molina’s alleged victim.

Let us remember that in In 2019, the same show, “Chisme No Like”, which became the standard bearer of the Latin “and I”, presented a recording in which Enrique Albis, the producer of “El Gordo y la Flaca”, harassed her and asked her sexual relations favor a model who had auditioned for the show.

At that time, Univision immediately took drastic action, separating Albis from the show while investigating., at the same time as sending this statement:

“Univision is committed to a diverse, inclusive and safe work culture without harassment. We expect all employees to treat each other and the public, community, guests and associations with dignity and respect and we do not tolerate any kind of transgression. Harassment – of any kind and in any context – is totally unacceptable. As soon as I found out about these allegations, I launched an internal investigation. If misconduct is confirmed, we will take disciplinary action until termination is inclusive. “Univision said at the time and did so, Albis was left out of the chain.

While we continue to investigate to inform you, here we share the interview that Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani did with the alleged harassment by Raúl de Molina:
