The recall of pet food has expanded after more than 70 dogs died

Pet owners and veterinarians are warned about the Sportmix pet food products now reminded of the deaths of more than 70 dogs and the illnesses of 80 others.

Midwestern Pet Food is expanding its recall of dog and cat food sold online by national retailers as the US Food and Drug Administration investigates potentially fatal levels of aflatoxins.

Midwestern, based in Evansville, Indiana, is extending a prior recall to include all of the company’s corn-containing pet food produced in the Oklahoma plant that has an expiration date on or before July 9, 2022.

The products mentioned include “05” in the date / batch code, which identifies them as being manufactured in the Oklahoma plant. Over 1,000 batch codes are affected.

The December company just reminded certain batches of Sportmix produced after the death of at least 28 canines and the diseases of eight others. The Missouri Department of Agriculture tested several product samples and found high levels of aflatoxins, which are mold-producing toxins that can cause death and disease in pets, according to the FDA.

Toxins may be present even if there is no visible mold, the agency warned.

Pets with aflatoxin poisoning may have symptoms such as slowness, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice (yellowish tinge in the eyes or gums due to liver damage) and diarrhea. Pets can also suffer liver damage without symptoms.

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“The FDA is issuing this notice to notify the public of potentially fatal levels of aflatoxins in Midwestern pet foods that may still be on store shelves, online or in pet owners’ homes,” the agency said in a statement. -an alert posted on Monday.

“We are continuing a thorough review of our facilities and practices in full cooperation with the FDA,” the nearly 100-year-old company said in a statement on Tuesday. “Until recently, throughout our long history, we have never had a recall of products.”

Customers with questions can call a veterinary call center at (800) 474-4163, ext. 455 or email [email protected], Midwestern said.
