The “reboot” of “Sex and the City” remains without another main character


New low to restart of Sex and the city Preparing HBO Max: another from main characters of the series, who participated so much in six seasons like in of cinematic sequels, will not be part of this sequel to the story entitled And so on.

That Samantha Jones, one of your best friends Carrie Bradshaw, Mr. Big He will also disappear from the stage in this new project that will take over the plot to show life the New York chronicler once you enter the fifties or at least that’s what the portal now claims Page six.

In the case of the role he played Kim Cattrall, It has been suggested that his absence will be justified on the grounds that his relationship with the other three protagonists has cooled over the years.

Regarding Carrie’s husband, which the actor had brought to life so far Chris Noth, it is not known how his disappearance will be explained, although at that time it was rumored that the third film – which was never filmed precisely because of the refusal Cattrall to participate in the project – planned to “kill” him with a heart attack.

Miranda, the red-haired lawyer, who has always tried to be the voice of reason, could also return to loneliness, as the signing of David Eigenberg, who put herself in the shoes of her husband, Steve Brady, is still up in the air.

While it is true that the first sequel showed them in the midst of a marital crisis, by the second they were able to solve their problems, and in fact he became her greatest support when it came to giving up a job. in which he did it. not to feel appreciated.
