The professor of medicine at the University, who is shouting at a student, will be investigated by the disciplinary committee

Two minutes and 29 seconds lasted part of the class Pharmacology, that eighth semester students from Central University from Ecuador do not forget and that it was disseminated in social networks Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

One of the comrades started it exposure on the pharmacological inventory; we talked about corticosteroids, betamethasone and dexamethasone when Professor José Augusto D. interrupted her to ask her about “the Ms. M. Andrea (M is the initial of her last name) “.

When young people He replied that his partner did not log in to do so job of group and said “it didn’t help us”, Professor He rebuked her, “Let’s see, and why the hell don’t they tell me? Let’s see, why don’t you tell me now that she’s not here?”

This is the beginning of a time which was filled with nerves to students, which were connected to virtual class, Tuesday, January 12, 2021, from 14:00

student answer quietly “doctor is that I did not know that she was not present. ” the teacher shouted: “Lower your voice, be careful how you talk to me, so you don’t know, I told you to meet to share exposure And what you said, don’t be a liar, tell me we’re already distributed or you didn’t tell me that. “

Video image of the university professor insulting the students in the virtual classroom.  Photo: Screenshot

alumna, he barely answered (hear fearful), “Yes doctor, I told you this, because we already have the number of slides, depending on how you normally divided us”. José Augusto D. was also heard cry: “Damn, lower your voice, lower your voice, pamper your guambra, learn to respect, silence, lower your voice.”

The student said no (raising his voice). And the university professor continued: “Quiet, lower your voice, stupid man, if I told you to expose me, you should have told me a doctor from the two groups that you mentioned that only one person is present …”.

At the end, he continued to scold her, “Did you ever mention that to me? doctor, have zero and go to Claim wherever they want, hopefully so get rid of me quickly of that shit of college“.

On the morning of Wednesday, 13 January 2020, rector from the Central University of Ecuador, Fernando Sempértegui, confirmed that “José Augusto D. is Associate Professor of the chair pharmacology. I just talked to him Director from carrera of Drug, He has confirmed that this event took place yesterday at 14:00. It is a reprehensible fact, college professor must respect their students even before the expressions of crime, humiliation for the young student there is a regulation provided in Code of ethics from college, in the statute. I’m arranging for one proceeding; is a very serious guilt, but I want you to know that it is an isolated event, our teachers are working hard “.

When consulted, the rector of Sempértegui specified that he is a teacher who won property, which has a doctorate. “Let’s face it regularly in hand, our Code of Ethics; sanction maximum is dismissal, but requires a proper process provided in the regulations, there is a special commission of disciplinary issues that operate permanently, consisting of Professors and students. Once complaintThey will decide on the basis of the evidence. The message for these affected young people and for everyone students is that we will fulfill our duty as authorities, to create a environment of coexistence and respect mutual understanding between teachers and students; the authorities will not tolerate this being affected, on our part they have teachers guarantee and students, that these events will not be tolerated. “

Ramiro Estrella, dean, said they had not received before without complaint for the mistreatment of this teacher, a formal mode. “It simply came to our notice then did not behave correctly, we have not received any complaints to continue with any investigation. Now we have something that is very obvious, I started disciplinary investigation. These students in the eighth semester were immediate we will move with another teacher, they cannot continue with the same teacher until the investigation is done. I haven’t talked to this teacher. We received the information last night, we have to keep going regular organs. This is one situation what the EXCEED normal procedures, what the rector did is preferable, investigates ex officio. Last night some teachers and students sent us video of Post. This information is the basis for us. “
