The price of the dollar on February 19

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar today Friday is up to 20.65 pesos in banks. Meanwhile, the exchange rate interchange amounts to 20.40 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.59 percent.

BBVA Mexico sell the dollar at 20.65, Banorte at 20.60, Santander at 20.42 and Azteca Bank in 20.26 units.

The currency depreciated on Friday for the fifth day in a row due to persistent concerns about the impact on the local industry of the interruption of natural gas supply in Texas, in unusual weather conditions. In the last five sessions, the local currency has fallen by 2.4%.

How is the exchange rate going?

Banco Base explained in a report that the Mexican peso ranks as the most depreciated currency of the session and the most depreciated of the week, as it has lost ground in five consecutive sessions and is accumulating a decline of 2.20 percent. The second most depreciated currency of the week is the Colombian peso with 0.84 percent, followed by the Brazilian real with 0.66 percent.

The performance of the peso in the foreign exchange market is evidence of a higher perception of risk in Mexico, due to the effects of low temperatures in Texas on energy prices and their availability in Mexico, as well as the future discussion and approval of the Electricity Law.

Today, the Energy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies will discuss a proposal for an approval opinion for the reform of the Electricity Industry Law proposed by the President of the Republic a few weeks ago.

Once approved by the committee, the opinion will be forwarded to the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies for discussion and possible approval, which, as it is a reform of a secondary law, will require a simple majority. This reform of the law would cause: 1) rising electricity prices to consumers, 2) pressure on public finances and 3) greater uncertainty about the T-MEC because it does not comply.

The rest of the financial markets are optimistic, allowing most currencies to gain ground against the dollar.

Real time dollar

euro It is sold at the window with a maximum of 25.22 pesos and is bought at 25.05 pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 28.90 pesos and is purchased at 28.50 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) registered in the previous session an exchange rate of 20.41 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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