The price of the dollar on February 17

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar today Wednesday is up to 20.76 pesos in banks. Meanwhile, the interbank exchange rate amounts to 20.27 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.65 percent.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 20.76 pesos, while BBVA Mexico does it at 20.57, Banorte at 20.55, Santander at 20.30 and Azteca Bank in 20.16 units.

The peso has depreciated dollarwhile US bond yields rose again with a view to further economic recovery and a possible acceleration of inflation in the world’s largest economy.

How is the exchange rate going?

Basic bank He explained in a report that the depreciation of the peso is mainly the result of an upward correction of the US dollar, whose weighted index is advancing by 0.25 percent, showing a strengthening against most major dollar crosses. In the financial markets, there is an increase in the perception of risk, with European capital markets declining by an average of 0.20 percent, due to the weaker-than-expected quarterly reports.

Meanwhile, in the commodities market, gains continue to be seen, highlighting commodities energetic. WTI shows an advance of 1.53 percent, trading at $ 60.97 per barrel and reaching a maximum of $ 61.26, a level not seen since January 8, 2020.

In turn, the price of natural gas shows a decrease in session of 0.86 percent, but accumulates a weekly increase of 6.59 percent, while gasoline increases 2.26 percent in session and accumulates a weekly increase of 7.08 percent.

The above continues to be the result of severe frosts that have reached the southern United States and especially the state of Texas, which has reduced oil production by about 3.5 million barrels per day or about a third of oil production. from the USA

“The effects on production are expected to continue throughout the week and it is not ruled out that they will expand in February, affecting in turn the supply of electricity in the southern United States and Mexico,” he said.

The above has caused Mexico to continue to be affected by power outages, which, according to the press, have caused random outages in at least 29 states, beyond the 12 initially announced.

“These energy disruptions have a direct impact on economic activity and could be significantly reflected in economic growth in the first quarter of this year,” he said.

Real time dollar

euro It is sold at the window with a maximum of 24.93 pesos and is bought with 24.42. pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 28.50 pesos and is purchased at 28.10 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) registered in the previous session an exchange rate of 20.20 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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