The price of the dollar on February 12

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar today Friday is up to 20.46 pesos in banks. Meanwhile, the interbank exchange rate amounts to 20.03 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.45 percent.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 20.46 pesos, while BBVA Mexico does it at 20.33, Banorte at 20.30, Santander at 20.03 and Azteca Bank in 19.91 units.

weight it depreciated after three increases in the face of a dollar rally, while heading for a marginal advance for the week. The dollar was recovering from losses caused by weak US labor market data released the day before, when the peso hit its highest level in two weeks.

How is the exchange rate going?

Basic bank explained in a report that the peso erased most of the appreciation yesterday and accumulated an advance of only 0.27 percent or 5.3 cents per week. As expected, the dollar-weighted index shows an upward correction of 0.20 percent after losing ground in five consecutive sessions, something unseen since November 2020. This rebound effect causes most currencies to depreciate against the dollar. in the last session of the week. and that only three show an appreciation, the Indian rupee by 0.14 percent, the Swedish krona by 0.06 percent and the Turkish lira by 0.02 percent.

“In the future, the US dollar is likely to maintain its weak trend while Federal Reserve we continue to reiterate the need to maintain a largely flexible monetary position. In the coming weeks, the main determinant of the dollar’s weakness will be the progress made in the United States Congress in approving the $ 1.9 trillion fiscal stimulus package, which is expected to be approved in March, “he said.

Another factor contributing to the decline of the dollar is the news of the increased availability of covid-19 vaccines, reducing the perception of risk in global financial markets. the president United States, Joe Biden, reported that it provided approximately 200 million additional doses from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna, which promised to deliver them before July. He also indicated that the number of doses available for the summer could increase if the vaccine is approved for Johnson & Johnson. In the Japan, a group of experts signed the approval of the vaccine against covid-19 developed by Pfizer, with official government confirmation expected to be announced over the weekend, would be the first vaccine approved in Japan.

He said that a gradual decrease in the number of daily coronavirus infections is still observed globally, as in the week of Monday to Thursday there were an average of about 410,000 daily infections, after in January there were daily infections by an average of 630 thousand. , ie a contraction of 35% globally.

In the US, the futures market indicates that moderate losses could be observed in the main indices, especially in issuers in the industrial sector, prolonging the downward correction in gains observed in February.

During the session, the exchange rate is expected to trade between 19.90 and 20.15 pesos per dollar.

Real time dollar


euro It is sold at the window with a maximum of 24.74 pesos and is bought at 24.21 pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 28.00 pesos and is purchased at 27.67 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) registered in the previous session an exchange rate of 19.95 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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