The price of the dollar March 8

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar Today Monday is up to 21.89 pesos in banks. Meanwhile, the interbank exchange rate is at 21.50 pesos per dollar, with a gain of 0.95 percent.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 21.89 pesos per dollar, while Banorte does it in 21.85 pesos, BBVA Mexico at 9:69 p.m., Azteca Bank in 21.93 units and Santander at 21.40 units.

The peso depreciated to its lowest level in four months as the US dollar rose and there was a general recovery in US bond yields. United States Treasury.

How is the exchange rate going?

Basic bank He explained in a report that the strengthening of the dollar continues to be supported by expectations of a solid economic recovery in the United States, which could lead to an increasingly accommodative monetary policy. In the bond market, the yield on 10-year treasury bonds shows an increase of 3.3 basis points, standing at 1.60 percent, close to the high for the year of 1.6 percent.

In particular, in the United States, the Senate approved the $ 1.9 trillion incentive package proposed by Joe Biden. The House of Representatives is now expected to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, to approve this version and then send it to the White House.

On the other hand, today at 9:00, the Secretary of the Treasury, Yanet Jellen, will hold a conference at an event of the International Monetary Fund on women in the economy. It is unlikely to make major announcements about US fiscal policy, so no exchange rate movement is expected from its participation in the event.

In the commodity market, the WTI price starts the session with a decline of 0.29 percent, settling around $ 65.90 per barrel. Overnight reached a high of 67.98 dpb, a new high for the year and an unprecedented level since October 23, 2018. Oil prices could continue their upward trend, after OPEC and allied countries decided last week not to significantly increase production despite the fact that demand is in a recovery phase.

Regarding economic indicators, in February the Consumer Confidence Indicator stood at 38.4 points, representing a zero increase compared to January and, after the last two months, there was a greater optimism due to the start of the vaccination plan.

The stagnation of consumer confidence was mainly due to the deterioration of epidemiological conditions in the first half of February, which led to thirteen states in the country being placed at the red epidemiological traffic light. Consumer confidence is 4.9 points below the level observed 12 months ago.

Real time dollar

euro It is sold at the window with a maximum of 25.95 pesos and is bought for 25.42 pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 30.20 pesos and is purchased at 29.59 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) registered in the previous session an exchange rate of 21.26 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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