The price of the dollar March 1

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar Today Monday is up to 21.09 pesos in banks. Meanwhile, the exchange rate interchange amounts to 20.66 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 0.91 percent.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 21.09 pesos per dollar, while BBVA Mexico does it at 20.90, Santander at 20.87 and Azteca Bank in 20.51 units.

weight earned after a stabilization in the global bond market and that United States House of Representatives approved an aid package to deal with the crisis in the world’s largest economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

How is the exchange rate going?

Basic bank explained in a report that Exchange rate reflect lower volatility compared to what was observed last week. The rest of the foreign exchange market is also calm, as most currencies are moderately volatile. Factors that allow appreciation weight this morning and market stability.

This is due to the fact that the upward pressure on treasury bonds has been reduced, with the 10-year rate hovering around 1.44 percent this morning, after reaching a high of 1.60 percent on Thursday.

Globally, several central banks have acted in response to rising interest rates in the secondary market, mainly the Reserve Bank of Australia, which increased bond purchases without notice, and the European Central Bank, where an official He noted that monetary incentives could be extended if the rate hike affects economic growth.

Also, the currencies with the highest gains come mainly from commodity-producing economies or emerging economies, such as the Turkish lira, which appreciated 2.69 percent after being the most depreciated currency last week, when lost 6.63 percent. Today, the most appreciated currencies after the Turkish lira are the Chilean peso by 0.87 percent, the Norwegian krone by 0.85 percent, the Russian ruble by 0.67 percent and the Canadian dollar by 0.51 percent.

“The Mexican peso is in the ninth most popular position,” he said.

Finally, in the United States, the House of Representatives approved on Saturday morning the new incentive package, which includes the extension of unemployment benefits, as well as funding for local governments, among others. Now, the discussion is going to the Senate, where it is expected to be approved before March 14, when the current unemployment benefits expire.

Real time dollar

(…) euro It is sold at the window with a maximum of 25.37 pesos and is bought for 24.82. pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 28.72 pesos and is purchased at 28.71 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) registered in the previous session an exchange rate of 20.93 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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