The price of the dollar January 14

At the beginning of operations the price of dollar today Thursday is up to 20.43 pesos in banks. In the meantime, interbank exchange rate It is located at 19.79 pesos per dollar, with a gain of 0.24%.

Citibanamex sells the dollar at 20.43 pesos, while BBVA Mexico does it on 20.09, Banorte in 20.05, Santander at 19.85 and Banco Azteca at 19.66 units.

He weight appreciated hand in hand with other currencies globally, while the market expects to hear later in the day the president’s fiscal stimulus plan United States, Joe Biden, which seeks to revive the world’s largest economy.

How is the exchange rate going?

Basic bank He explained in a report that the performance of the currencies is divided, although there is a moderate consolidation of the US dollar while the market is waiting for relevant economic information.

He explained this in the afternoon Joe Biden will launch its proposal for the new stimulus package, which could reach up to two trillion dollars. The package is expected to include an increase in direct payments from $ 600 to $ 2,000, additional unemployment support, and funding for local governments and vaccine distribution.

“The size of the proposed package could cause optimism in financial markets, but it could also raise interest rates on treasury bonds,” he said.

In addition, yesterday, the United States House of Representatives approved a political trial against President Donald Trump, becoming the first president to be tried twice during his term.

Finally, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will lead a live conversation led by Princeton University Finance Center director Markus Brunnermerier. As Democrats retain control of Congress, the likelihood of an additional fiscal stimulus is increased. This will be the key to the Federal Reserve’s latest opinion on the evolution of the economy and its expectations for the future.

Real time dollar


He euro It is sold at the window for a maximum of 24.53 pesos and is bought at 24.05. pesos. In turn, pound It is offered at 27.25 pesos and is purchased at 27.08 pesos.

Bank of Mexico (Banxico) recorded in the previous session an exchange rate of 19.79 pesos per dollar.

With information from Reuters

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