The policy to stop the exodus of migrants will be continued


The migration policy of U.S To halt the mass exodus of migrants from the region, they will not be adjusted, conclude analysts in international politics and migration in Honduras, due to the priorities that country will face in light of pandemic COVID-19.

They believe that a strict policy will be enforced to stop the flow undocumented migrantsas a change so early would send a bad message to migrants, especially from Northern triangle.

“For many reasons, there will be no immediate change. First, there are issues that you will encounter that are a priority, that concern you as a power. Then you have your plan for the first 100 days, including the immigration issue for people who have been in the country for five years. U.S”, Explained Graco Pérez, analyst.

Agreements are a hunt

Donald Trump’s immigration deals left a level of persecution that existed, but with an aggravating factor: it restricts people, migrants or not, from staying in specific areas and countries, paralyzing migration and heralding interregional tensions and problems. This is caused by the policy of restriction and dramatic control of migration, which has left several governments in a very bad way for the inhumane treatment of migrants.

In this context, those who meet the Temporary protection program (TPS) and Delayed action for arrivals of children (Daca) would be the direct beneficiaries.

The immigration laws are the same that Trump has enacted and will continue to do so for a long time to come. If they change them immediately, that would be a bad message and they won’t take that risk. Moreover, it must suck to really stop migration in the countries that generate it, ”explains Pérez.

For analysts, it is not by creating walls that will stop the advance of migration, but rather to seek strategies that prevent people from leaving their country, and that will only be achieved if countries’ policies prioritize employment and social wellbeing.

But they consider that support, at least for that Honduras, it won’t be instantaneous. “I don’t think there will be support for it within a year government for your questions. If they don’t get support, it means the country won’t have enough resources to create the minimum conditions for those who migrate, ”said the analyst.


100 days is the moratorium enacted by the new Biden administration to suspend deportations from the United States.

1068 According to the country’s immigration agency, returned caravans arrived in the country that had been deported from Guatemala.

Will the wall follow?

He Wall is a national security issue of U.S, where analysts say it is not just about trafficking in human beings, but also about the control of firearms, the passage of money and drugs, and in the face of this threat, the wall remains a priority for securing borders.

The wall will go on, but it won’t be laid bare, like Trump did to gain followers. It will continue in silence as it is the last resort to stop those trying to enter that country, ”explains Graco Pérez.

Despite the fact that Biden said in his campaign that the construction of the longest wall in the world, projected by Trump, 3,169 kilometers in length, from which he could lift alone, to December 2020, paralyze 193 and total 756, is expected. that this project continues to stop all illegal activities at the border.

Agreements and divorce

The separation of parents and children is an issue that, according to Honduran analysts, will improve with Joe Biden as president of U.S for the theme of human rights.

“Conditions will change and it will be a better deal, although deportations will be the same,” the analyst explained.

As for the agreements signed in the Trump era, with those of the Third safe country, analysts believe it will remain in effect, although they expect it to be revised.

The deportation will continue in the same way, more now with the sanitary restrictions out there.

Graco Pérez, analyst.

“There will be significant changes if there is a review of the migration agreements which were signed under the government of Donald Trump, especially in the safe country; but we must not forget that U.SAfter 2001, due to the impact of the attacks, the issue of migration has been linked to the issue of security, then the agreements will be enforced, but it can be revised, ”he said. Rolando Sierra, director of Flacso Honduras.

If the analysts agree on one thing, it is that some migration policies cannot be changed immediately, as it would send the wrong message to the population that the door is open and lead to more irregular migration .

“Asylum applications are likely to be processed U.S keep receiving them at the border, ”Sierra said.

Biden will hold on to the TPS and the daca and will certainly review the asylum application procedure.

Rolando Sierra, director of Flacso Honduras.

Remember the agreements they have signed Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico were signed “under excellent relations,” said Graco Pérez, but “I don’t think they are the same with the arrival of Joe Biden.

It is best to apply existing laws. As I said, a year will pass where there will be situations that were experienced when Trump inherits and Biden, and that will be the only legal framework by which he will address the immigration situation until a new one arrives. Government in HondurasSaid the analyst.

As something they find valuable, it is the regularization that Biden promised to more than 11 million undocumented migrants who have lived in that country for several years and who are anxiously waiting for Joe Biden to prioritize their legal immigration status.

Mexico registered an increase in the number of asylum applications

TEGUCIGALPA. The ‘shield’ has been installed in Mexico since 2018 and more asylum applications have been filed in that country. The Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comar) reported that they received 18,379 in 2018 alone; For May 2019, the number was 41,283 in just five months, and as of May 2020, the reported figure was 12,704.

Of those requests, the number of Hondurans who applied for asylum in 2018 was 13,679; 30,187 in 2019 and about 6,078 for the first five months of 2020. Of all those requests, Comar recognized 18,792 Hondurans as refugees.

Since the phenomenon of migrant caravans started, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has implemented the Assisted Voluntary Return Program so that migrants return to their countries of origin because they have made a voluntary and informed decision not to travel to a country of transit or destination. stay.

According to what was claimed by IOM Representative in Mexico, Christopher Gascón, at the International Forum on Migrants and Refugees and Human Rights on May 30, 2019 in Monterrey, Mexico, the results are not that significant, as only about 3% of migrants To stop the migration wave, Mexico implemented the Sembrando Vida y Jóvenes constructiendo el Futuro program, but the results are not known.
