The NFL cap raises well for the San Francisco 49ers

On Thursday, the NFL sent a note to teams saying the salary cap was minimal would have increased to $ 180 million for the 2021 season. Although it’s good news, it’s still good news for 49-year-olds and the upcoming paid gymnastics they’ll have to balance in free agency.

Prior to last season, the NFL and the NFL Players Association agreed on a $ 175 million salary cap as they prepared for the long-term financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams can usually rely on the ceiling to jump about $ 10 million each year. A floor of 175 million dollars would have represented a decrease of 23 million dollars starting with 2020 and would have left the 49ers with about 9 million dollars in the maximum space.

Now, the NFL has brought the floor back to $ 180 million, which would leave San Francisco with $ 12,670,669 in available space. This number will increase once they have made a few cuts and the lists will be restructured to release an extra room.

General manager John Lynch told reporters after the season that the team was planning a $ 175 million ceiling.

“We are working under the premise of the floor, which is 175 (million),” Lynch said in his season finale video conference. “We felt it was best to operate outside of this and make some kind of plan. If there’s anything on top, this is sauce for us. ”

An additional $ 5 million will be beneficial in resolving their free agent situation, but it is also a sign that the ceiling could reach more than $ 180 million.

However, the maneuvers will not be easy for the 49-year-olds this season. It’s the first time he’s faced good players like Trent Williams, K’Waun Williams and Kyle Juszczyk, reaching for free agency. They will need every last dollar they can get on the ceiling, and the NFL announcement of a ceiling increase gives them an extra $ 5 million that they did not intend to have.
