The new promise on PlayStation is great news for PS4 gamers

A new promise from PlayStation – or more precisely, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan – is great news for PS4 gamers and those who either can’t afford a PS5 or can’t get one because of demand and robots. According to Ryan, the PS4 will have a queue that the PS3 did not have and this is due to the fact that Sony is committed to supporting the PS4 in the coming years. Over time, more and more emphasis will be placed on the development of the PS5 and PS5, but for now, Ryan is committed to supporting millions on the PS4, which includes the launch of several PS4 games.

According to Ryan, Sony feels a responsibility to the massive community that is still on the PS4. Ryan does not say how long Sony will continue to support the console and launch games for it, but it seems that the console will not disappear immediately in the background, as did PS3 when it released PS4.

“We feel we have a responsibility to that great community and an opportunity to continue to make great games for the PS4 for as long as it takes,” Ryan said. “I think you’ll see a queue with PS4 that you haven’t seen with PS3. But that said, as time goes on, you’ll see more and more emphasis on PS5 development.”

Not only is this strategy different from the one PlayStation took with the PS3 when the PS4 was released, but it contradicts what Ryan said earlier this year about the desire for clean generational breaks. It’s not clear what he did to Ryan and co. he changes his philosophy of cross-gender support, but clearly, something has come that has succeeded. The most obvious answer to this is the pandemic and the meteoric rise of engagement on the PS4, but at the moment, this is just speculation.

Moreover, it remains to be seen how much Sony will support PS4 in this post-PS5 era and whether or not this support will be significant.

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H / T, Edge Magazine via The Gamer.
