The new Overwatch map is now active

Overwatch recently unveiled the recently unveiled free Kanezaka mortematch map on live servers starting today, which includes a new “Kanezaka Challenge” event for players to win sprays, icons and even a new epic skin, Kyogisha Hanzo. Full patch notes include updates from heroes like Ashe and Sigma, among others, but the biggest novelty is the addition of the latest and greatest map.

In terms of rewards, the Kanezaka Challenge is essentially divided into two distinct parts: play and watching Overwatch. Anyone who wins nine wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play or Arcade before the event ends on January 25 can win an icon, a spray and the aforementioned Hanzo skin. In the same period of time, anyone is watching for a few hours Overwatch over Twitch can earn up to six new sprays with at least one spray given two hours out of the total time spent watching.

Here’s how Overwatch officially describes the new map in the latest patch notes:

“Fight for your life in a thrilling alley battlefield, old stone, towering steel and cat cafes. Shatter your enemy’s dreams in the pottery shop, deliver beats in the Tora no Sumika nightclub or rise above the competition in the city center tower. “

As mentioned above, the Kanezaka challenge will end on January 25th. Overwatch itself is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Overwatch 2 is under development, although no specific platforms have been announced yet. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the Overwatch franchise here.

What do you think of the new map, Kanezaka? What about the new challenge? Tell us in the comments or feel free to contact us and hit me directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop let’s talk about all the games!
