The Navy reports 2 ships from the Middle East facing outbreaks of coronavirus

The Navy reported more than a dozen COVID-19 cases among service members aboard a Middle Eastern warship on Friday, with several people possibly infected on another ship.

The military branch announced the outbreak of coronavirus on board amphibious transport dock USS San Diego in a press release, adding that it also identified “several people under investigation” on the USS Philippine Sea guided missile cruiser.

Marina added that the medical staff is tracking the contacts to determine the origin of the outbreak on the ships.

The USS San Diego is currently anchored in Bahrain, with the Navy explaining that “all positive cases have been isolated on board and the ship remains in a restricted COVID balloon”.

Meanwhile, the Navy said it would not disclose the location of the USS Philippine Sea “due to operational security,” adding that it is expected to fire at the port to conduct additional tests on all those who may have been exposed and to provide the ability to rapid testing and medical treatment centers as needed. ”

Marina said people who were identified as having close contact with members of the infected service were isolated on board the ship while following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ministry of Health of Bahrain.

“The US 5th Fleet is committed to taking all possible measures to protect the health of our force,” the Navy added on Friday. “While the health and well-being of our staff is a priority, we remain prepared to support the US Central Command Mission and our regional and coalition partners.”

The new infections come just over a week after Marina reported three COVID-19 cases among sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, which last year became the center of a massive outbreak of coronavirus.

Last year’s outbreak was the largest the army has seen since the beginning of the pandemic. More than 1,200 members of the ship’s crew tested positive for COVID-19, with all 4,800 crew members being sent ashore to Guam for quarantine for weeks.
