The National Guard will build a new hangar on the Muñiz base

National Guard Adjutant General José Reyes announced today that the country’s military will have a new hangar at Muñiz Air Base in Carolina.

During a press conference today, the military leader indicated that demolition of the old hangar 156 will begin this year, allowing new facilities to be built. The cost to build the new structure is approximately $ 36 million. The current hangar 156 was built in 1956.

“After Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the National Guard, like all of Puerto Rico, suffered partial and total destruction of our buildings. As you can see, this is the first facility to be renovated and a new facility being built” Reyes be in an aside with the press.

The ceremony – attended by Air National Guard Director Michael Loh – saw a “symbolic” demolition of a cardboard model simulating the old hangar 156. Then the group of soldiers unveiled a cardboard model of what could be the new hangar.

Reyes also explained that, with the construction of these facilities, the Puerto Rico Air National Guard will be transformed to carry out three main missions: an emergency response group, combat communications, and security missions that would cooperate with the Central Intelligence. Agency (CIA) and the Federal Investigations Bureau (FBI) mainly focused on the fight against drug trafficking.

Reyes also noted that the construction of the new hangar could create about 150 direct jobs and is expected to be completed by the summer of 2024.

While Loh was pleased with the response of the National Guard on the island amid emergencies such as the January earthquakes and then in March with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also assured that the construction will modernize the National Guard facilities at Muñiz Air Base.

“Hangar 156 has a long history. I came here as director of the Air National Guard to oversee Hangar 156 and be present at the transition. The hurricane devastated the island but also destroyed the airport. The hangar. 156 has it. now a plan on how these facilities will be modernized. I’m here not only to make sure they have the resources for this construction, but also to be here for the transformation of the unit, “Loh told reporters.

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