The most important news about health and well-being in 2020

It is obvious and obvious that the theme that stood out the most with health and health is 2020 is coronavirusEverything related to this dreaded virus was daily bread and butter, from the correct use of the mask to the disinfection of food to avoid contagion.

However, leaving Covid-19 aside a bit, there are other issues that have been noted, e.g. mental health, as one of the consequences of the pandemic, but also to visualize this type of problems also plastic surgeonsTaking advantage of the short time in front of the public, this was another required topic.

In this way gathered some of the most prominent health and wellness stories of the year:

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Covid-19, according to the Ministry of Health, causes an acute respiratory infection (ARI), for this reason it can be a mild, moderate or severe flu. In addition, it can produce:

  • Fever difficult to control, higher than 37.5 ° C and more than three days.
  • Tos.
  • Difficult breathing.
  • Nasal secretions (mucus).
  • Fatigue.
  • General discomfort.
  • In addition, diarrhea and abdominal pain may occur in some cases.

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How to take care of mental health during isolation?

According to the WHO, epidemics have a mental impact on affected populations because information about Covid-19 is huge through the media and social networks.

In addition, control measures generate changes in people’s habits, which can create images of sadness, irritability, anxiety and panic.

For this reason, it is important to remain calm and follow the protocols that health entities suggest to avoid infection.

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What is ischemia? Learn more about Danielle Alvarez’s illness

Daniella Álvarez, known for being Miss Columbia in 2011, had to undergo surgery on July 13 at the Cardioinfantil Foundation where she had to have her leg amputated due to ischemia, Ischemia?

In a dialogue with, general practitioner Eva González, from the Compensar headquarters in Olaya, clarified: “When the blood flow to the tissues is interrupted and then this causes the tissue to suffer from necrosis.” Ischemia is considered a blood process, in which blood flow to the capillary is reduced and therefore decreases oxygen supply and eliminates the products of tissue metabolism; that is, it is caused when the blood does not receive the same amount of flow.

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Identify the symptoms that distinguish the flu from COVID-19

As the flu season approaches, some Americans, especially parents, are worried that their children or themselves will get sick because it can be difficult to determine if they have the flu or coronavirus.

And they are correct. Most of the symptoms of both diseases are so similar that, except for one test – or two or three – it would not be possible to know for sure what he is sick with. But there are some keys. (You may also have both at the same time; this year, in China, some patients received both.)

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How to understand the phases of the Oxford vaccine against Covid-19

A few months ago, it was announced that phase 3 of the Covid-19 vaccine tests, which are being developed by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca together with Oxford University, had been suspended on suspicion of producing an unfavorable reaction in a volunteer.

According to a statement from the English university, the interruption of clinical trials took place after a volunteer from the United Kingdom had side effects. In a statement to SkyNews, British Health Minister Matt Hancock acknowledged that the outage was “obviously a challenge for this vaccine.” In fact, this is not the first time this has happened with the Oxford vaccine and it is a normal process in clinical trials. “

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How far have cosmetic surgeries advanced in recent years?

“Technology is always advancing in every field, medical, architectural, engineering, but not only is technology changing, but also changing people’s thinking, the new generation of millennia or new generations that are emerging, you see the change and concern for feeling and looking good, which is not a clear aesthetic concept of one’s own beauty, but the fact that one feels properly and accepted as one is, in a beautiful way and avoiding disease, then previous generations, our parents If they had a belly, did not worry, they didn’t understand that, even the grandmothers said, “come and get the soup, the substance,” which was essentially the fatty part of the soup, when people are worried about food, personal care, it’s more important not to be obese, it’s more it’s important to have healthy teeth so that my skin looks good, “expert Felipe Buendía told the media.

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Depression and other mental problems behind people who “have it all”

In a conversation with, Dr. Ricardo Angarita, a psychiatric specialist, explained about the mental health of people who apparently “have it all.”

“It is a mechanism of physiological protection, there is something wrong and anxiety is activated as protection. The problem is that often the trigger or the reason why the anxiety alarm should be activated is in the unconscious and is not known “, said Dr. Angarita.

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Everything you need to know about the new strain of coronavirus

According to new reports, in the United Kingdom they have found a new variant of coronavirus, the pathogen is spreading very fast, which is why the British authorities have had to take restrictive measures.

Some flights to the country have also been canceled, such as Argentina, which has decided to cancel or postpone tickets to that destination. European scientists are working to get more information and control the effects.

Experts say the COVID-19 strain was first detected in September this year by the UK genomic surveillance system. According to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, it can be 70% more contagious, but it seems that people will suffer from milder symptoms.

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