The man writes a book to remind his amnesiac wife how they fell in love Viral photography Fairy tales

When life mimics fiction. In something that many did not hesitate to compare with the film 50 First Data, with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, the story of how Camre Curto forgot his most important passages overnight lifetimeLike the 10 years of marriage with her husband, with her own parents, and even the fact that she even had a son, whom she gave birth to only a few weeks, surprised more than one; However, the noble task that Steve, her life partner, set out to help her put together the puzzle of her past so that together they can enjoy their present as well as their future. , is worthy of being shared, moved on social media. This is yours history.

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The 31-year-old from Fenton, Michigan, USA, suffered a crisis and a stroke in the 33rd week of pregnancy, reports ABC. When she woke up, she was surrounded by strangers. He did not recognize them and did not remember everything he lived with them.

Time passed and she began a difficult recovery process at her parents’ house, where she worked with therapists to try to repair the damage done to both hemispheres of her brain.

Progress was slow and Steve, her husband, feared that Camre would never be the same; however, something happened that would take him by surprise.

“I was sitting on the couch and he said, ‘I don’t know who you are, but I know I love you.'”said the man. From that moment on, Steve knew he had to do something to get his wife back. For this reason, he wrote a book called “But I Know I Love You” (but I know I love you), where he tells his love story in many details, so that Camre can remember how their relationship began and all what they lived together.

Photo: Steve Curto
Photo: Steve Curto

Thanks to the efforts of her whole family and Steve’s gesture, which went viral, the woman managed to recover her memories little by little. Most importantly, she now recognizes her husband and son, little Gavin.

“When I am with my husband and son, I have the strength to go through all this. Every time I see Steve and Gavin, there is a huge smile on my face and in me. My family’s love is what matters most to me and what allows me to spend my days. “Camre said on his part.
