The man from Georgia receives the final salary of 915 USD in money covered in oil, with a note “F ** k You”

A man from Fayetteville, Georgia, received the remaining final salary from a local car shop in the form of a stack of money, with a note that read “f ** k you” attached.

Earlier this month, Andreas Flaten received a delivery of more than 90,000 1-cent coins – all soaked in greasy oil and thrown into his alley.

A March 13 Instagram post by Flaten’s girlfriend, Olivia Oxley, states that the huge piece of change came four months after Flaten resigned from A OK Walker Autoworks, a Peachtree City business run by Miles Walker in November last year.

“First things first, when [my boyfriend] he resigned and gave a written letter of resignation complete with a two-week notice, ”Oxley wrote. “After Miles Walker from AOK Walker Car continued to be the idiot he is and make a normal day’s work, making unnecessary comments about my lovers’ daughter and just [being] a dick all around, those 2 weeks turned into 5 days. ”

Oxley explained that Walker refused to send Flaten’s last salary, claiming damages from his store.

“Once the word ‘lawyer’ was introduced, that’s what he did,” Oxley wrote.

FOX 5 interviewed Flaten, who said he had contacted the Georgia Department of Labor for assistance with his salary. He called his former boss’s move “a childish thing to do.”

“If I did my math right, 91,515 pennies would be about – two and a half grams each – about 504 pounds,” Flaten said.

Flaten, who currently keeps the money in a wheelbarrow with wheels that have deflated due to the weight of all that zinc and copper, added that he now spends his evenings sitting in the garage cleaning the coins.

“I think there will be a lot of work for the money we have already worked for,” he said.

OK Walker Autoworks did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

Walker, the store’s owner, spoke to other local media. He told FOX 5 that he had paid Flaten in US currency and that he did not want to speak further.

“I don’t know if I did that or not,” Walker said in a short interview with CBS46 News when asked about the money. “I do not really remember. Does not matter; it was paid, that’s all that matters. It’s a fucking hell because even brought into question. ”

Other former A OK Walker Autoworks employees interviewed by CBS46 confirmed that the repair shop had a toxic work environment, with Walker despising female employees and breaking pay quotas in front of workers. The company has been hit by a series of negative reviews on Yelp and Google in recent days because of the story.
