The legendary edition somehow made Garrus hotter

Dear Garrus Vakarian, I'm free on Thursday (or any day, anytime) if you want to have dinner.

Dear Garrus Vakarian, I’m free on Thursday (or any day, anytime) if you want to have dinner.
Print Screen: BioWare

Mass Effect Legendary Edition it’s a month away. Today, BioWare released a new video and developer’s blog detailing the process that went into the graphical update of Mass effect trilogy. Eliminating all the technical information, we came to an important conclusion: somehow, in a way, BioWare made Garrus Vakarian hotter.

By methodically updating over 30,000 unique textures, adding dynamic lighting and improving the appearance of the characters’ skin, hair and eyes, BioWare has managed to improve the perfection that is Garrus Vakarian. According to the blog, the visual improvements were meant to make the games look more consistent throughout the trilogy, but the developers also wanted to make sure the three games and their characters feel visually distinct.

“For the characters that appeared in all three games, such as Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, Captain Anderson and many others, we maintained slight changes throughout the trilogy as they got older, matured, or … rocket, ”the blog said.

I mean, no matter what: yes.

I mean, no matter what: yes.
Print Screen: BioWare

The result is a Garrus that looks sexier than I’ve ever seen. The improvements make her skin look rougher and stranger, increasing her attraction. Even his rocket scars have been upgraded, the jagged pieces of his armor and face giving him this dangerous look like a sexy, jawed bird of prey.

In addition to updating everyone’s favorite turian, the developers have “completely redefined pre-rendered cut scenes in 4K.” The cutscenes have also been modified to get rid of all but one error: “Movie designers have fixed dozens, if not hundreds, of bugs that have appeared in scenes and live-action conversations. But don’t worry; “What you said?” memes that spin in your head still exist if you know how to look for it. ”

Uhh … I think you need to see Dr. Chakwas about that commander.
Gif: BioWare

Of the three games, the original Mass effect he needed the most attention. Some of the changes made go beyond basic graphical updates and are made Mass effect better reflects what the developers had in mind when they originally designed the game.

“Feros has several very distinct sections from a visual point of view, including the colony and the highway leading to the ExoGeni Corporation building, the aqueducts and the Thorian lair. The first of these now features stronger smoke and fire effects, more buildings to fill the box, and much more damage and debris to better present the attack from the geth. ”

Are those ... braids?  Oh my God!  Real braids!

Are those … braids? Oh my God! Real braids!
Print Screen: BioWare

Of all the improvements The legendary edition will probably make me most excited about the changes to the character creator, with the developers saying, “The custom character creator has been unified and greatly expanded, and some of your favorite casual outfits from Mass Effect 3 are now available in Mass Effect 2, also.”

Throughout the original trilogy, the character’s creator lacked a lot of different options, such as skin colors and deeper hairstyles, which I’m glad to see BioWare finally address. After all, I need my Commander Shepard to look my best when it’s time to test my strength and flexibility.

