The “human face” shark looks like a YouTube character

Baby Shark was real!

An Indonesian fisherman claims to have caught a shark with human features throwing “Jaws” – making it a dead sound for the famous cartoon character.

Abdullah Nuren, 48, told local media that he and his brother accidentally caught a pregnant shark in the nets on Pepela on Saturday, finding three chicks when they cut it.

The fisherman said the shark
The fisherman said the shark “looked like a human face.”

“Two were like my mother and she looked like a human face,” he told reporters, according to local media VIVA.

The images show large, human-like eyes, as well as an expressive mouth on the dead chick, which is smaller than a human hand.

Abdullah Nuren said he and his brother accidentally caught a pregnant shark.
Abdullah Nuren said he and his brother accidentally caught a pregnant shark.

“My house was crowded with people who want to see the shark,” Nuren said of the creature that bears a striking resemblance to the character in “Baby Shark Dance,” which has now been viewed more than 8 billion times.

“Many people want to buy it, but I will keep it instead. I think it will bring me luck, “he told
