The former Britney Spears identified among those involved in the invasion of the Chapter

Jason Allen Alexander, with whom he was married Britney Spears in 2004, he was part of the group of people who invaded Chapter in the United States, for “Check out Joe Biden’s win”.

Through its social networks, ex-husband from “Princess of the People”, published a Photo in which you can see in the middle of the demonstration a favor from Trump.

The picture is viralizó immediately on social media and received thousands of comments about it.

britney spear jason alexander trump capitolio

Jason expressed through social media that he is not in favor of using face masks, “I don’t wear masks because I don’t listen to tyrannical orders that are not voted in the right elections,” he said a few months ago.

identity of some of 30 people who entered the Chapter, were disclosure on Instagram, with material that they themselves uploaded on their social networks.

According to activists, a Alexander’s family he was the one who betrayed him, after he published the following message, “Yes, I’m also prosecuting the fact that my stupid cousin (who was also married to Britney Spears for 55 hours) is on Capitol Hill. I’m related to an internal terrorist. “, he showed.

britney spear jason alexander trump capitolio

Relationship between Britney and Jason It happened from when they were little, because they met in childhood, until they they got married in Las Vegas in 2004.

However, two days later, Britney Spears repented and prosecuted divorce.

britney spear jason alexander trump capitolio

Despite this, Jason continues to support Britney, because he even participated in a demonstration of #FreeBritney , a movement that supports the singer to “get rid” of her father, who has his protection, “I want to see Britney get what she deserves and, from personal conversations, she obviously doesn’t want to be under guardianship and that affects her life to this day in a negative way and it’s time to end it.”.
